By Connected Management on Thursday, 05 September 2019
Category: Condo Buildings & Property

Fall Property Management Preparation Tips

Fall Property Management Preparation Tips

When it comes to managing a Chicago condo, there are many aspects you may not think of. From preparing for new tenants to preparing your property for the fall and winter, the day-to-day can be overwhelming.

Property management is more than just collecting rent and changing air filters. If you’re new to an investment property or you’re needing a refresher, here are some of the things you should do to help ensure your condo is ready for the fall and winter seasons.

HVAC Filters

These filters should be changed at least once a year. These are different from the ones you have on the inside where the air handler comes into a home. Those should be changed more often. Take the fall season to change out these filters on the outside and inside units to help your central heating system do its best job possible. Part of property management in Chicago is making sure that heating systems work efficiently as they run pretty much 24/7 during the cold season.

Turn off/Drain Your Sprinkler System

Keeping the lawn green in the summer means sprinklers run quite often. Make turning off the outside drains and getting all the water out of the sprinkler system part of your Chicago property management routine each fall. If water remains in the line when the temperatures drop it can lead to frozen and busted sprinkler pipes for you. They could burst and you not even be aware until the summer when they start back up.

Clean Gutters

Make sure the gutters are all cleaned out when it comes to fall maintenance. If your gutters on the building are clogged with leaves and debris, it can cause roof leaks and water damage in the winter. Be sure that everything is cleaned out and ready to go with the winter storm possibilities.

Double Check All Insulation and Weather Stripping

Keeping your tenants comfortable is part of your responsibility for managing the property. Take some time to go through and double-check insulation around windows, the weather stripping on doors, and all areas where drafts may be able to come through. This not only keeps your tenants comfortable; you will help to reduce electric bills trying to keep the apartments warm.

Trim Branches Around Property

Make sure that all the trees around your building are trimmed back. While they may look pretty, they can actually cause a lot of damage. There’s the risk of ice storms causing the branches to snap off and damage the roof of your building. There’s also a risk of the debris that comes from the branches themselves clogging gutters and causing issues. It is just best to make sure all branches are trimmed back far enough to reduce any risk of damage to your building.

These are just a few of the fall maintenance steps you need to take to ensure your Chicago building and property management is prepared for the winter. If you’re not sure you want to tackle this alone, be sure to contact Connected Management. They specialize in condo property management in Chicago and can help you make sure you, and your tenants, are happy and prepared for the winter to come.