By Connected Management on Monday, 07 October 2019
Category: Condo Buildings & Property

Prepare Your Chicago Condo for the Fall!

Prepare Your Chicago Condo for the Fall!

Living in Chicago brings its own personal enjoyment throughout the year. However, one thing it is sure to bring is cold fall and winter temperatures. When you live in a Chicago condo association, you want to take every advantage you can to help reduce the cold temperatures coming in your home. There are several projects you can take care of during the next few weeks to help you make sure you’re ready for fall and winter to arrive. While fall officially arrived in September, you can still make sure you’re prepared with these tips for your Chicago property manager and you, as the owner.

Seal the Windows and Doors

It is very important that you check for leaks around the windows and doors of your unit. Many people do not realize how fast and how much air can leak in and out of the home through these seemingly small areas. Making sure that the seals around the windows and doors are tight can help to prevent wasted heat when the temperatures drop.

Check for Exposed Pipes

Whether you’re the resident on the bottom floor or the top, you want to make sure that your pipes are not exposed to the elements. When there are pipes that are exposed to outside walls, it can lead to a burst or leaking pipe if the temps drop too low. One way your Chicago condo management company can help is to come around and insulate all the pipes that are exposed. This will cut down on the opportunity for a pipe to freeze and crack or for it to leak during the cold winter months.

Make Sure Gutters Are Clear

One problem that can happen during the fall and winter is snow! That is a huge issue for you as the property owner of a Chicago condo if the roof and gutters are not prepared for it. It is important that gutters are kept free of debris and clutter to make sure the water runs off as it should.

Check Fire Alarms

Go around all the areas in your home or building that have smoke detectors and check to make sure the batteries are in good working order. This will help to eliminate the possibility of it not working as it should if something happens. Whether it is cooking dinner on the stove or a candle that is forgotten, a smoke detector can mean the difference between a happy ending or a sad one to the story.

When you are the property owner of a Chicago condo or you’re a tenant who’s renting a loft, then make sure you have a good property management team behind you. Working with a talented team such as Connected Management will ensure your home is ready for the fall and winter to come. Contact them today to see what other fall preparation tips they have in store for your Chicago condo building!