By Connected Management on Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Category: Condo Buildings & Property

Affordable Ways to Upgrade the Curb Appeal of Your Chicago Rental Property

Affordable Ways to Upgrade the Curb Appeal of Your Chicago Rental Property

The exterior of a property is the first thing people see. When it comes to rental properties, the exterior must look it’s very best so that potential tenants will want to go inside for a look around. As a rental property owner, you must take as much care with the outside of your property as you do on the inside. Upgrading the exterior with simple solutions can help make your property more appealing and bring in renters when you need them most.

Landscaping Maintenance

The landscaping of your rental properties must be taken care of so that potential renters know that you are proud of your property. You can do the work yourself or if you work with a Chicago property management company, have them schedule regularly landscaping services. Areas with grass and flower beds must be tended to so that they look their very best at all times. Flowers provide a nice welcome to potential renters and show that you take care of your investment.

Exterior Updates

The exterior of the property needs to be cared for regularly to ensure that there are no issues with the building and that it stays in excellent shape. Take for example if your rental has vinyl siding. Over time, dirt and grime can build up on the siding. You should take care to clean the siding with a pressure washer, so it is nice and fresh. When you operate several properties, your Chicago property management company can schedule regular cleaning for you to help the exterior look it's very best.

Repaint Front Door, Shutters, and other Design Aspects

Another option that is quite affordable is to repaint areas of the home. Repainting just the front door can give your property a fresh new look. If you have shutters or other decorative elements, such as areas on a porch, you can paint these as well. Over time, repainting should occur so that the exterior continues to shine and provide a nice space for renters.

Add A Clear Address

With your rental property, the address needs to be clearly designated. This can be on the mailbox, near the front door or on the building, depending on what type of rental property you have. The address needs to be clearly seen so that potential renters can find the property for a showing. When a space is empty, add signs in the front to alert passerby of the option to rent the property.

Continually Review Your Property

It is important to continually review your property on a regular basis to check for any repairs or updates that are needed. By checking up on your properties, you can physically see what you need to attend to, be it repainting areas, fixing cracked or chipped sidewalks, etc. Take time to review your property or have your Chicago property management team do it for you so that you can make changes as needed to update your property, making it appealing to potential tenants.