By Connected Management on Monday, 20 April 2020
Category: Condo Buildings & Property

Dealing with Tenant Issues During COVID-19

Dealing with Tenant Issues During COVID-19

As a rental property owner, it is not uncommon for you or your Chicago property management team to deal with tenant issues. Be it disagreements among neighbors, issues with an apartment, rent concerns, etc. Problems can easily be solved with the right communication. However, how do you deal with issues during the COVID-19 outbreak? Many tenants have lost their jobs and are afraid of being sick. How do you balance helping your tenants as well as keep everyone healthy at the same time?

Telephone or Online Communication

When it comes to communication at this time, the best option is to offer online or telephone options. Provide your tenants with a form of communication that works best for everyone. You may want to offer texting for small needs while an online forum, social media page or message board is used for more pressing matters.

Your tenants need to be able to reach you or your Chicago property management team. When they have access to assistance during this trying time, they feel cared for. Tenants will still have issues such as repair needs or maintenance that will have to be taken care of. With this type of communication, you can still handle requests without a face to face meeting. 

Working with Companies that Are Taking Precautions

When it comes to repair and maintenance needs, the best approach is to avoid what is not a pressing matter. A stain on the carpet or something else that can wait due to not affecting how the home operates helps to keep your employees and residents safe.

If repairs must be done, then they will need to be scheduled. By scheduling the repair work, it helps to put less people in contact. The tenant can choose to leave or just sit in their vehicle during the service. The maintenance provider should wear a mask and gloves if possible. Only work with repair companies who are taking the COVID-19 outbreak seriously and are taking the proper precautions to keep everyone safe.

Providing Payment Assistance

At this time, it is also important to remember that tenants may be out of work. The federal government of the US are helping by providing financial assistance to the unemployed as well as Americans in general, but payments have not been made yet. Keep in mind that your tenants may need help.

If a tenant is late on rent, consider their situation. Talk to them over the telephone and find out their concerns. If they are short, perhaps you can let them catch up with what they owe at a later date. Figure out a way to help your tenants during this stressful time based on what you can afford. Everyone is struggling so it would be harmful to your rental property business to lose a tenant due to nonpayment when everyone is currently struggling to get by.

These are just a few ways you can deal with the current crisis in regard to your tenants. Show care and concern as well as provide essential protections as you can to ensure that yourself, employees and tenants are safe and stay healthy during the outbreak.